Theo Parmakis
I have had an interest in instrument construction for as long as I have been a musician. Beginning my journey by teaching myself to repair and maintain my banjos and guitars, I progressed through building a mandolin under the tutelage of a local luthier before attending Newark School of Violin Making and Repair.
Whilst at Newark, I studied a variety of techniques including violin, viola and cello making (building five violins and a viola before culminating with three cellos in my final year) as well as a comprehensive selection of repair and restoration techniques, baroque era construction methods and bow rehairing and repairs. I graduated and established my workshop in Sheffield in 2020.
I have always been keen to combine efficiency and precision with a healthy degree of experimentation; I believe that it is important for an instrument to be fun and entertaining to make as well as to play. I also have a strong interest in education and sharing skills, and I have hosted several teaching sessions and work experiences.
Outside of instrument making I enjoy folk music and dance as well as computer programming; I’ve built several pieces of software for musicians and instrument makers, including a Chord Generator and String Tension Calculator. I play various instruments, and occasionally teach banjo .