Just over two years ago, in late August 2020, I moved into my current workshop. Making contacts and networking can be a difficult at the best of times and, with the majority of music events and performances completely halted at that point, I did honestly wonder if and how I’d actually find any clients.

But, find them I did – or rather they found me! I will always be so grateful for those first few players who were willing to put their trust in a new luthier. And, slowly but surely, Parmakis Instruments has been growing ever since.

I’ve had customers come to me on the basis of recommendations from multiple people who I’ve never even met, and they in turn must have heard positive things from even further afield. So a huge thank you to every who has been spreading the word.

If you’ve not already liked and shared my page or website http://parmakis-instruments.co.uk then that is always very much appreciated ❤